All product names, company names or logos, registered trademarks, and trademarks that appear on this website belong to their respective owners. In compliance with the federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable laws, Castle.. responds to reports of suspected infringement. In response, we may, among other things, remove or disable access to content that is on-site and under the control or operation of Castle. If someone files a claim that our work violates their intellectual property, we will endeavour in good faith to get in touch with the developer who submitted the offending content so that they can file a counter-notification in compliance with the DMCA.

To learn more about your rights and responsibilities under the DMCA and other relevant laws, you might want to speak with a lawyer before serving either a Notice of Infringing Material or a Counter-Notification. These notification requirements which do not represent legal advice are meant to fulfill ApkNox’s rights and obligations under the DMCA, specifically section 512(c).

Notification of Copyright Violation

Please send a notification with the following information if you would like to file a notice of infringement on Castlemod.

  • A tangible signature from a developer or development team that has been permitted to represent the owner of an allegedly violated exclusive right. To manage all of their copyright issues, third-party agencies need to provide a copy of their “Physical Authorization Letter”.
  • The list of works that are allegedly infringed upon should be identified or, if a single website has many copyrighted works covered by a single report, a representative list of those works.
  • The best approach to facilitate speedy content retrieval is to include URLs in the email body.
  •  If there is a complainant, the service provider needs to be able to communicate with them via email, phone, and any other relevant information.

The bidding must attest, under penalty of perjury, to the quality of the information in the notification and the suitability of the complaintive party to represent the owner of the allegedly infringed exclusive right. Comprehending that Section 512(f) permits anybody to intentionally and materially misrepresent that a communication or activity is infringing may be vital for the party submitting the complaint.